Meet Jeanette
My name is Jeanette Archer and I am the founder of Exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse.
I am a survivor of satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and MK ultra super soldier mind control programming.
Let me tell you about my captivity in the darkness of the satanic cult started from birth until 22 years of age.
At 28 years of age, I chose life over suicide. I started to recover my memories and my healing journey began.
Twenty five years later, I decided to speak out publicly. This wasn’t my first step towards breaking my silence but it soon proved to be one of the most powerful and important ones that I would ever take.
I have been so incredibly fortunate to have found so many other survivors that I can relate to and that fully understand my story. It is through these survivors that I have also learned so much more about my own childhood experiences and I’m finally able to put all of the pieces of my jigsaw together regarding the horrific world I grew up in.
Numerous attempts have been made to silence me. By satanic cults at the lower levels right up to the elite levels. None of them succeeded and none of them ever will.
My story may be historic but everything about it, and more, still continues to this day. It is my dedication to all of the babies and the children, that are still suffering at the hands of this evil, to do whatever I can to expose these monsters and to stop these crimes against humanity.
In line with that, I am also committed to help survivors of SRA to heal and recover. Only when we break our silence do we deem them powerless.
This has been my inspiration to create this website.
So here, I have gathered, with expertise, trusted resources and information. For both survivors and those that are courageous enough to want to learn and understand.
Together we will win this war against the darkness.
Please join our ever growing and supportive groups on Facebook and Telegram.

“We are All responsible for Every child on this planet”
Jeanette Archer