For the past ten years, Anneke has been working one-on-one with survivors of trauma, particularly child sexual abuse, organized abuse and mind control, offering unconditional presence and intuitive insight.
Using her Unconditional Model as the basis for her sessions, she extends this service to all who wish to have a consultation. To work on any personal matter, connect to your purpose, receive clarity on
an emotional issue and return to peace.
Her expertise is trauma, with the understanding that no one raised in the Western world escapes it entirely. Anneke’s extensive journey of healing primarily meant first accepting all the young parts inside that
were languishing in pain, loneliness or fear, and offering understanding and compassion for herself. She sees trauma and how it writes the script for a limited life, geared towards survival. Fear holds you back from living in alignment with what the universe
wants for you. This is what she shares: a positive, affirmative reflection of you based on the truth of who you are, so you will be empowered to create change from within. The external changes you desire may follow, or they may shift, as you become fully present
for your unique, fascinating integration process on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
The Unconditional Model was developed by Anneke Lucas, and guides you to clearly and compassionately meet the Dark. Within ourselves, our families, common child-rearing practices, business, academic, economic
and political structures, and on the global stage.
Whether you have encountered the Dark directly, work with people who have, are close to someone who has, or want to be better informed to support familial and societal change, the workshops offer insight and tools to remain
fully present, in order to accept and create change. We observe the global power paradigm as well as interpersonal power dynamics, and how we can heal ourselves in the context of healing the world.
The Unconditional Model offers cutting-egde insights into the outer power structure and how we each participate, shows a new lens into personal unresolved trauma, brings a healing method based on Internal Family
Systems and reveals the conditions needed in order to pass on the model to others.

Rebecca Brazier
A confidential, understanding and non-judgemental practice, creating a safe and trusting environment for you to explore your thoughts, emotions, behaviours and goals whilst respecting your uniqueness.

Karen Barter

Max Lowen
Max is a global citizen having grown up in various countries and is tri-lingual in Italian, Spanish and English. She is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, torture and trafficking who went on to do her healing work and train in trauma and recovery to help other survivors and those trapped in the cycle of violence. Max uses her knowledge about healing and recovery in an effort to assist individuals in looking inward and doing their shadow work. The restoration of humanity and our beautiful planet begins with each individual healing themselves and stepping into their fullest potential and power.

Carla Hamoen
Carla Hamoen is a highly experienced and dedicated psychologist based in the Netherlands. Carla has a wealth of experience in SRA and DID (Dissociative identity disorder). Through her therapy work and otherwise, Carla has been supporting survivors and victims of satanic ritual abuse for many years. Carla has a vast knowledge of DID and is an expert in this field.

Joan Bird
M:07885 532993
A: Pulborough RH20

Hanna Wadwa
Iwona Hanna Wadwa (CEO of Manifesting with Love) is a Life Transformation Coach, based in Dubai. For over 20 years, she has helped others create positive & lasting changes in their lives, becoming empowered with confidence & self-love & liberated from past limiting & self-sabotaging beliefs. In 1995, she started a life-long journey of studying psychotherapy & transformation techniques to help herself & others.
Trauma Healing Services
Jolanda Geelen
Jolanda Geelen has developed into an experienced professional since 1996. Engedi is the name of her practice that has become a trusted name over time. Engedi is an independent practice so your data is not shared with third parties. This way your privacy is optimally guaranteed.
In addition to the option for individual sessions, Engedi offers the option of a short stay if suitability is proven.
This stay is a combination of fully inclusive overnight stays and individual sessions (with a minimum of two nights/4 sessions).
In addition to the experience within her practice, her own life is an important source. Not only from books, but also from experience, that makes a difference. Support is provided for secular and mental health care.
From the beginning of the practice’s existence requests for help came from survivors of satanic ritual abuse. Jolanda decided to just be there and managed to find a way for treatment and help.
Various diplomas have been obtained, such as:
Counselor and coach, EMDR therapy, youth and relationship coach.
Engedi started with a dream. The name stands for an oasis in the driest place on earth near the Dead Sea.
Engedi, where children play at the well. A safe place where the river is full of life, it brings healing wherever it flows.
Trees grow on both sides. Palm trees grow and flowers bloom in Engedi.
There is a shelter to take shelter. There is life, there are fruits.
There… where you don’t expect it.
This: there is a shelter to take shelter has to be:
There is a hiding place to take refuge.

0031 655 872 718