In the darkest corners of trauma and suffering exists satanic ritual abuse. A once hidden, place of hell on earth, that only the perpetrators and victim’s knew existed.
Now however, there shines a bright beacon of light that is exposing all of the darkness.
A beautiful light that now joins us all in hope, strength and harmony.
Please may I, Jeanette Archer, extend a very warm welcome to our website.
You are no longer alone.

Resources for
Healing and Recovery
To find a place to recover and heal is difficult for survivors of SRA for many reasons. Understandably, trust does not come easy. So, to find a safe place to start this journey can be very challenging.
With that in mind, we have very carefully chosen resources that safely meet the needs of satanic ritual abuse survivors from all walks of life.
Here you can find a trusted and safe list of therapists, counsellors, holistic therapists and more.
You are supported, validated,
and believed.
Education is a vital part of the exposure and destruction of satanic ritual abuse. For these crimes against humanity to stop, the world must be fully informed and clearly educated on the absolute truth of SRA.
Here we provide exceptional knowledge to do exactly that.
Everything provided is from highly respected and credible sources.
Thus leaving the existence of SRA undeniable and in turn, deeming ignorance, negation, and silence of the matter, unacceptable.
“Exposure is their greatest fear and silence is their strongest weapon.”
Wilfred Wong