SRA Information and Education
Education is a vital part of the exposure and destruction of satanic ritual abuse. For these crimes against humanity to stop, the world must be fully informed and clearly educated on the absolute truth of SRA.
Here we provide exceptional knowledge to do exactly that.
Everything provided is from highly respected and credible sources.
Thus leaving the existence of SRA undeniable and in turn, deeming ignorance, negation, and silence of the matter, unacceptable.
“Exposure is their greatest fear and silence is their strongest weapon”
Wilfred Wong

Please sign the petition to exhume the remains of the three Beaumont children from a sink hole at Rachel’s father Alan Maxwell McIntyre’s former property at Stansbury on the Yorke Peninsula (South Australia)
Rachel Vaughan is a whistle-blower, researcher, public speaker, and childhood survivor of satanic ritual abuse and Mk Ultra mind control programming.
Rachel has spent the past 17 years imploring Australian authorities to investigate the satanic cult who abused her as a child in the 1970’s and 80’s. Whilst some incarcerations have taken place, she continues to be frustrated with certain individuals in power who refuse to properly investigate multiple crimes.
This has led Rachel to participate in a series of interviews; round tables; and public speaking engagements as she continues to fight for justice, both for herself and those unable to speak for themselves.
Rachel funds herself by giving readings as a psychic medium; as well as teaching a psychic development course covering – how to read auras; psychic protection; how to manifest ethically; and how to identify earth energies such as ley lines and portals.
An eternal optimist, Rachel maintains that we are immortal souls having a human experience who can attain peace and success despite our trauma.
Over the past four years Rachel has become acutely aware of a large swathe of humanity experiencing a spiritual ascension. During this process many incarnate souls have come to understand the depth of depravity of those who held power on Earth for millennia.
She passionately believes that the current ascension process of Earth, fuelled by humanity’s collective spiritual awakening, can facilitate a change from the current satanic system into something we will be proud to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Rachel Vaughan Telegram chat:
Anneke Lucas
Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims and creator of the Unconditional Model.
Her work is based on personal experience of a 30-year healing journey after surviving being sold by her family as a child sex slave to a pedophile network.
Her healing through psycho-therapy, writing, yoga and meditation were synthesized during a decade of service with incarcerated populations and with survivors of sex trafficking inside and outside of prisons. Sharing her own healing shaped her message for personal and global evolution through the Unconditional Model, the mindfulness modality she developed.
Anneke’s book “Quest for Love: Memoir of a Child Sex Slave,” is for sale on Amazon.
Max lowen
Max is a survivor of SRA, torture and child trafficking who went on to heal and now exposes the truth about the global cult that creates and controls our collective reality. Max created a show called Unbroken where she interviews survivors, truth warriors, healers and teachers. Max integrates the knowledge she has about the global deep state political machine with issues such as child trafficking and trauma-based mind control to help educate people about the global control structure that keeps humanity trapped in cycles of individual and collective trauma and control. Knowing the truth facilitates finding solutions to the myriad of issues facing humanity. Inner awareness of Self and outer awareness of the social engineering and harvesting of humanity and all life on the planet are necessary components to achieving freedom within and without.
Leaving the existence of SRA undeniable
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